Aimply Briefs: Your Daily Digest of Relevant News
Stay updated without the hassle! Aimply Briefs delivers a curated selection of the most relevant news directly to your inbox, ensuring you spend less time sifting through articles and more time engaging with the content that matters to you.
How It Works
1. Personalized Content
With Aimply Briefs, you provide a description of your interests, and our AI works its magic to match you with the most relevant news stories. This tailored approach means you receive news that aligns with your preferences.
2. Efficient Research Process
Our team combines the power of AI with human researchers to scour the internet for significant stories. Each piece of news is fact-checked and summarized, ensuring you get the essential information quickly.
3. Daily Email Delivery
Every weekday, you’ll receive an email featuring the top stories curated just for you. Want to adjust the topics you see? Simply reply to your email, and we’ll fine-tune your content.
Unique Features
- Curated for You: We tailor stories based on your interests, minimizing the number of irrelevant articles.
- Minimal Bias: Our AI sources information from multiple outlets, reducing bias in the news you receive.
- Short and Sweet: All summaries are concise, under one paragraph, with citations for further reading.
- Human Oversight: Each story is hand-checked for accuracy, ensuring you receive reliable information.
Pricing Plans
Starter Plan: Free
- Daily email with the top 10 most relevant stories.
- Customize topics and news sources easily.
Community Member: $10/month
- Unlimited stories.
- Access to a community of readers and creators via Discord.
Business Plan: Flexible Pricing
- Custom features available upon request.
- 24/7 support and discounts on other Aimply services.
- Can I get Aimply Briefs in a different language? Yes, we offer translation options.
- How does Aimply Briefs ensure quality? Our AI is supplemented by human checks for factual accuracy.
Aimply Briefs is designed for busy readers who want to stay informed without the clutter. Join the beta today and experience news that’s tailored for you!
Call to Action
Ready to simplify your news consumption? Join Aimply Briefs now!
Aimply Briefs is revolutionizing how we consume news. With its innovative approach, you can stay informed without the overwhelm. Sign up today and discover the difference!