C9Lab offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered cybersecurity solutions for businesses. Their Phishing Mitigation Platform uses AI to simulate phishing threats and provide tailored training. The platform assigns relevant learning modules to employees who fall for simulated campaigns, helping to reduce the risk of actual phishing attacks. C9Lab also provides other security features such as network security resources, router security configuration guidelines, and comprehensive security monitoring. Their solutions are designed to meet the diverse security needs of businesses, with features like global server monitoring, real-time threat detection, and IP reputation checks. C9Lab's QSafe Proactive Brand Protection Platform ensures the integrity and security of a business's digital presence by monitoring and detecting potential brand threats. With achievements like recognition as a startup by the Government of India and the ISO 27001 certification, C9Lab demonstrates its commitment to innovation and quality in the cybersecurity field. Their user-friendly solutions are tailored to various experience levels and are designed for seamless integration into existing infrastructures.
C9Lab provides comprehensive AI-powered cybersecurity solutions, safeguarding businesses from evolving threats.
Top Alternatives to C9Lab
Abstract Security
Abstract Security is an AI-powered security platform that enhances detection
InsightIDR is a cloud-based SIEM with advanced features for security
LoginLlama is an AI-powered login security tool for developers
RapidSOS is an AI-powered safety platform that protects businesses
Trellix SIEM
Trellix SIEM is an AI-powered security management tool that enhances protection.
BlackBerry Cybersecurity
BlackBerry Cybersecurity uses Cylance AI to defend organizations
Vicarius vRx
Vicarius vRx is an AI-powered vulnerability remediation tool that saves time and resources.
Vectra AI
Vectra AI is an AI-powered cybersecurity solution that stops attacks
Loti is an AI-powered online protection tool for public figures
Perception Point
Perception Point is an AI-powered cybersecurity solution for modern workspaces
Redcoat AI
Redcoat AI is an AI-powered cybersecurity solution that protects against cyber threats.
Seal Security
Seal Security is an AI-powered vulnerability remediation tool that enhances security
MLCode is an AI-powered data security tool that protects enterprises.
Radiant Security
Radiant Security is an AI-powered SOC analyzer that enhances security
Token is an AI-powered identity solution that helps manage risks
RiskLens is an AI-powered cyber risk management tool that aids decision-making
EchoMark is an AI-powered platform that helps organizations protect against insider risks and data leaks with next-gen watermarks.
Phishr is an AI-powered cybersecurity tool that offers unlimited phishing simulations and training on autopilot, with no per-user pricing.
Aptori is an AI-powered application security tool that identifies vulnerabilities and suggests fixes for quick remediation.
CylanceENDPOINT is an AI-powered cybersecurity solution that stops zero-day attacks with validated accuracy and incorporates generative AI for enhanced security.
Greip is an AI-powered fraud prevention platform that safeguards financial security with cutting-edge technology.