SEOlligence offers a comprehensive suite of services to empower e-commerce businesses. With the integration of artificial intelligence, it enables businesses to enhance their global online presence.
The service focuses on various aspects such as product titles and subtitles. By optimizing these elements, it attracts the target audience, boosts search rankings, and drives more clicks. This ensures that products stand out in the highly competitive e-commerce market.
Keywords also play a crucial role. SEOlligence meticulously selects targeted keywords to improve online visibility. These chosen keywords drive organic traffic, enhance search rankings, and amplify digital visibility for maximum reach and impact.
Product descriptions are not simply translated. Instead, cutting-edge AI techniques are employed to achieve human-like realism. The service also ensures SEO compliance, adding HTML headers when necessary while maintaining the original design if given HTML.
The FAQ schema service structures and optimizes frequently asked questions. This enables search engines to display rich snippets, thereby enhancing the website's credibility and user experience.
Meta title and description optimization is another key area. Concise, keyword-rich titles and compelling descriptions are created to boost SEO rankings, clicks, and user engagement for web pages.
The process of using SEOlligence is straightforward. Product data is exported from the e-commerce platform. The service then generates unique content for the chosen services and languages. After that, the results are imported back to the e-commerce platform, making the product page translated, optimized, and SEO-ready.
In terms of pricing, there are flexible options available. There are no monthly fees, and a free test is offered. The premium plan is customized according to the client's needs, while the standard plan has its own set of features and limitations.
Overall, SEOlligence provides an integrated solution using state-of-the-art AI technology to help e-commerce businesses kickstart their sales in EU markets and beyond, without the constraints of a traditional subscription model.