MindShift® CBT App is a remarkable tool designed to assist individuals in dealing with anxiety. It utilizes strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which have been scientifically proven to be effective.
The app offers a variety of features. For instance, the HEALTHY HABITS section provides tips to better manage anxiety by taking care of oneself. The COPING CARDS allow users to ease their anxiety instantly by readjusting their thinking with helpful statements.
The THOUGHT JOURNAL helps transform worries into more balanced and helpful thoughts by identifying and challenging the thinking that keeps one trapped in anxiety. BELIEF EXPERIMENTS teach users how to set up experiments to test out beliefs that fuel anxiety.
There is also a CHILL ZONE where users can listen to audio recordings of guided relaxation and mindfulness meditations, helping them get into and stay in a more relaxed and mindful headspace. FACING FEARS enables users to overcome their fears gradually in small, manageable steps.
The CBT-BASED TOOLS are interactive and assist in reorienting thinking, along with providing behavioural strategies to take action and make lasting positive changes. When quick relief is needed, the app offers tools to help users take a breath, ground themselves, shift their thinking, and take steps to cope.
A new and exciting addition is the NEW COMMUNITY FORUM. Here, users can share stories and learn from others' mutual experiences in a safe, moderated space while providing and receiving peer-to-peer support.
Moreover, the app helps users set and accomplish important life goals and keep anxiety in check with its goal setting tools and tips. It also allows users to keep track of their anxiety and mood over time through graphs and journal entries.
In conclusion, MindShift® CBT App is a comprehensive and valuable resource for those seeking to manage their anxiety and improve their mental well-being.