Poised, now part of Deepgram, is an AI-powered communication coach that brings a host of benefits to users. It focuses on enhancing real-time voice AI communication, making it a valuable tool in various scenarios.
During customer calls, for instance, Poised acts as your AI feedback partner. It provides real-time feedback, allowing you to speak with confidence. You receive personalized suggestions and actionable insights, all while your progress is privately tracked, ensuring that only you are aware of your growth in communication skills. It's designed to be non-distracting and offers immediate, actionable feedback, which means you can make improvements right away without any disruptions.
Another useful feature is its ability to bring up your meeting notes automatically. As you cover items in the meeting, it crosses them off, enabling you to easily keep track of what's left to discuss. This helps you stay organized and focused throughout the meeting.
Poised also offers immediate and actionable feedback on what you could do better in future meetings. Based on the specific goals of each meeting, it provides instant suggestions for improvement, allowing you to continuously work on your growth areas over time.
Moreover, it simplifies follow-ups. After each meeting, you get an auto-generated summary and a list of action items, making it quicker and easier to take the necessary steps without the need for a bot to join the meeting.
In different professional roles, Poised proves to be beneficial. Interviewers can unlock personalized insights to secure a job. Product managers can tell the story of the product clearly and with conviction. Consultants can instill trust with their internal teams and clients, and managers can communicate clearly and motivate their teams.
Overall, Poised is a powerful AI tool that focuses on improving communication through its various features, providing users with the means to enhance their speaking skills and manage their meetings more effectively.