ChessGPT is an interesting creation that came about from playing around with ChatGPT plugins. While many people may not have access to plugins yet, this simple website aims to make it easier to play chess against ChatGPT.
There are two ways to engage in a game. You can either copy and paste the moves into a ChatGPT session or, if you have API access, paste an APIKey in. The advantage here is that everything happens client side, ensuring a good level of safety.
When it comes to the performance of the AI in the game, GPT-3.5 might not offer the best experience, but GPT-4 can provide a slightly better game. The code for this setup is available, although it's in a rather rough and ready state.
This project also has some ways for users to get more involved. If you like what you see, you can check out the creator's YouTube channel. And if you really like it, you might even consider contributing something on patreon.
Overall, ChessGPT offers an accessible way to combine the fun of chess with the capabilities of ChatGPT, allowing users to enjoy a unique gaming experience without too much hassle.